
Why I love our CSA Shares: Reason #5 & Eggplant Recipe

By Sponsored Advertising Content August 4, 2016

Let's talk about the cost of CSA, shall we?  I learned about CSA from a friend 3 years ago but didn't take the plunge as it seemed more expensive than just buying our own produce from a local Farmer's Market or our favorite supermarket. This year, we decided to give it a try. I've been sharing my family's experience here, hoping to provide you with more information about it so you could decide for yourself if it's something that fits your family's lifestyle.  

Shown below is a rough cost comparison just focusing on a last week's share. Note however that there are important variables that you also need to consider that are not easily quantifiable at this time like the risk you incur when the farm's harvest is not bountiful and the investment on health that you are making for your family.

So below is the list of the vegetables we got last week, and I've put in the estimated cost of produce if you buy organic vegetables based on the Organic Price Report for 2016:
$5.00 - Broccoli
$5.00 - Tomatoes 
$4.00 - Eggplant 
$4.00 - Green Bell Peppers 
$3.25 - Lettuce 
$3.00 - 
Swiss Chard
$2.00 - Cucumbers 
$2.00 - Summer Squash
$1.00 - Garlic 

$28.75 - Total Cost

The cost for a Large (Full) share is $495 for 20 weeks of produce. Approximately it's like paying $24.75/ week. Fox Creek Farm CSA will also deduct $12.50 to your share price if you are able to pay the price of your share (or the balance after you paid $100 reservation) at the start within the allotted time, reducing the per cost to as low as $24.125, which means total savings could be around $92.50.  So contrary to what others might think, one of the reasons why I love our CSA share is that I think leads to savings down the road.  

Some other tips to save and/ or afford CSA: 

  • Coming up with almost $500 up front to pay for the entire season's subscription is not an easy thing to do. However, if you know you want to do this, you could start saving now and commit to next year. Or like some people do use some of your tax return to invest in your health through a CSA share. If you love the idea of fresh produce but have a busy schedule that doesn't allow you to cook each night, consider sharing your CSA with a friend, neighbor or coworker.

  • Split the cost and you may alternate weeks for pick-up or split each delivery. Either way, you do not waste produce and save money! 

CSA Recipe of the week:
Roasted Vegetables Ratatouille


Catch up on our CSA series here: 
Learn more about Fox Creek Farm CSA and sign-up for a CSA share today. Looking forward to this week's share! 

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