
Why I love our CSA Shares: Reason #4 & Cabbage Recipe for the Week

By Sponsored Advertising Content July 28, 2016

Did you ever buy bags of salad mixes at the grocery store or vegetables and then it goes bad after a couple of days in your refrigerator? I couldn't count the number of times this happened to us. We end up throwing up bags of salad mixes in the trash and it's so frustrating.

A couple of times I thought it was just because I didn't set the crisper drawer in our refrigerator correctly. Until recently... using the same humidity setting, I noticed that our CSA share vegetables lasted longer. CSA vegetables are harvested just before pick-up and that a huge difference. Unlike grocery store produce CSA shares, doesn't travel for days, neither does it come from another state or county. You are 100% sure that it is harvested at a local farm in our area. You can even visit the farm, pick your own and more importantly build a relationship with the people who plant  your vegetables. 

Another bonus of having freshly picked vegetables is that it tastes a hundred times better. I noticed that the greens are milder in flavor and sweeter and it makes every meal delicious!

Our Fox Creek Farm CSA share includes: 

  • Tendersweet Cabbage
  • Lettuce
  • Green Beans
  • Scallions
  • Arugula 
  • Summer Squash 
  • Cucumber

CSA Recipe of the week: Unstuffed Cabbage


Catch up on our CSA series here: 
Learn more about Fox Creek Farm CSA and sign-up for a CSA share today. Looking forward to this week's share! 

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