
Why I love our CSA Shares: Reason #3

By Sponsored Advertising Content July 21, 2016

Life before CSA was unpredictable. Menu planning in our household was not a thing. Sometimes we talk about it and even write down what we're going to cook for the week, then put together a grocery list. Most of the times we do away without planning and end up cooking meals that we are used to cooking and eating week after week.  

Since we started getting our CSA shares, Menu planning has changed for the better and it forces the issue of putting Vegetables in one or all of our meals, which is a great thing overall!  I'm not going to lie and say it's an easy thing to do. Like any change in life, I struggled with this one, the first few weeks. Until now, I keep reminding myself to use up the vegetables and not waste money by throwing away our share.

Menu planning usually starts when we get the newsletter from Fox Creek Farm. 
The newsletter gives us a heads up on what's in our CSA share for the week, and sometimes it comes with a recipe. We usually put the suggested recipe as one of our meals for the week, and then for the rest of the days, are filled by gathering recipes from online sources or incorporating the vegetables in our go-to meals.  Download a printable copy here and give Meal Planning a try this week. 

Catch up on our CSA series here: 
Learn more about Fox Creek Farm CSA and sign-up for a CSA share today. Looking forward to this week's share! 

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