
FREE Museum Admission on Smithsonian Day Live!

By Gladys Dunbar August 16, 2018

In the spirit of Smithsonian Museums, who offer FREE admission every day, Museum Day Live! on Saturday, September 22nd, 2018 is an annual event hosted by Smithsonian magazine in which participating museums and cultural institutions across the country open their doors to anyone presenting a Museum Day Live! ticket for FREE. 

How does it work? To receive your free Museum Day Live! you need to register for an account. Once registered, you can request a ticket to one participating venue. The ticket will be available for download immediately up to the date of the event. You must print your ticket and present it to receive your free admission or have it accessible on your mobile device.

A ticket will gain entry to only one of the participating museums, excluding parking and special events and exhibits. Participating Museums close to Schenectady in New York state are the following: 

Museum of Innovation and Science (miSci)| 15 Nott Terrace Heights, Schenectady, NY 12308 | Museum Day Hours: 9am to 5pm

Empire State Aerosciences Museum| 250 Rudy Chase Drive, Glenville, NY 12302| Museum Day Hours: 10am to 4pm

Waterford Historical Museum and Cultural Center| 2 Museum Lane, Waterford, NY 12188 | Museum Day Hours: 10am to 3pm

The Albany Institute of History & Art| 125 Washington Ave, Albany, NY 12210 | Museum Day Hours: 10am to 5pm 

USS SLATER| USS SLATER DE766, Broadway & Quay Street, Albany, NY 12202 | Museum Day Hours: 10am to 4pm

Children’s Museum of Science and Technology| 250 Jordan Road, Troy, NY 12180| Museum Day Hours: 10am to 5pm

Iroquois Indian Museum| 324 Caverns Road, Howes Cave, NY 12092| Museum Day Hours: 10am to 5pm

National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame| 191 Union Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866| Museum Day Hours: 10am to 4pm

Arkell Museum at Canajoharie| 2 Erie Blvd, Canajoharie, NY 13317| Museum Day Hours: 12pm to 5pm 

Columbia County Historical Society| Various locations in Kinderhook, NY| Museum Day Hours: 12pm to 4pm 
Lykas Van Alen House c1737
Icabod Crane Schoolhouse c1850
James Vanderpoel House c1819

World Awareness Children’s Museum| 89 Warren Street, Glens Falls, NY 12801 | Museum Day Hours: 10am to 4pm

Museum Day Live! ticket is good for two people. One ticket per household, per address. If you go to Museum Day Live! with more than one guest, your other guests will have to pay full admission.If the museum reaches capacity, the museum has the right to limit the number of guests until space becomes available. Only an official Museum Day Live! ticket is eligible for free entry on September 22nd

Ready to download your free tickets? Click HERE.

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